Incoming goods inspection

What are the requirements for incoming goods inspection for thermoplastics? We will give you an overview of the most important test procedures. This will enable you to actively apply this knowledge and carry out assessments in operational practice.

Further information on the agenda, travel, parking and an insight into the script can be found in our download box at the top right.

Seminar details:

Who and what?


Employees in the quality assurance, testing laboratory, production and production preparation departments

Level: Einsteiger
Speakers: Employees of Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH
Degree: Teilnahmebescheinigung
Price: 790 € (exkl. MwSt.)

Please bring your own protective footwear for the demonstration in the technical center.

Seminar topics

  • Characteristic properties for granulates and semi-finished products and their determination methods
  • Methods of water content determination including demonstration
  • Incoming goods inspection with instrumental analysis
  • Workshop: Methods and equipment

This seminar date is not suitable for you? Please contact us and we will arrange an alternative date with you.

The seminar can also be booked as an individual in-house training course. You can find more information on our in-house training page.



I help you!

Iljana Eckardt

Head of Continuing Education