Ultrasonic plastic welding

Ultrasonic welding is a fast and reliable method of joining plastic components. In this course, we will provide you with the necessary knowledge from the basics to practical application. To deepen your knowledge, we will demonstrate the processes in the practical part.

Further information on the agenda, travel, parking and an insight into the script can be found in our download box at the top right.

Seminar details:

Who and what?


Employees in the areas of product development, design, production, work preparation and quality assurance

Level: Fortgeschrittene
Speakers: Employees of Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH
Degree: Teilnahmebescheinigung
Price: 1.200 € (exkl. MwSt.)

Please bring your own protective footwear for the demonstration in the technical center.

Sample molded parts can be brought along for discussion during the breaks or after the seminar.

Seminar topics

  • Plastics science
  • Physical basics
  • Ultrasonic welding: Welding of molded parts using ultrasound in theory and practice
  • Constructive principles for designing joining zones during welding
  • Special ultrasonic processes in theory and practice
  • Application workshop: parameter determination, assembly of an ultrasonic oscillating system, set-up and welding on an ultrasonic machine

This seminar date is not suitable for you? Please contact us and we will arrange an alternative date with you.

The seminar can also be booked as an individual in-house training course. You can find more information on our in-house training page.

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Available seats

  • Sufficient

  • Few

  • None

25.09. - 26.09.2024 K04 Molding and materials testing automotive

I help you!

Iljana Eckardt

Head of Continuing Education