Technical basics of PUR processing

If you would like to gain an overview of the processing of polyurethanes, we will provide you with important information on applications, raw materials, chemistry and the associated processing technology.

You will find further information on the agenda, travel and parking in our download box at the top right.

Seminar details:

Who and what?


Employees in the areas of processing, application, purchasing and employees who would like to gain an overview of polyurethanes as an introduction, repetition or in-depth study

Level: Einsteiger
Speakers: Employees of Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH
Degree: Teilnahmebescheinigung
Price: 1.300 € (exkl. MwSt.)

Please bring your own protective footwear for the practical part in the technical center.

Seminar topics

  • Classification of polyurethanes and application examples
  • Overview of the raw materials
  • Safety aspects when handling PUR raw materials
  • Overview of processing technology for the manufacture of PUR products
  • Recycling of PUR and environmental aspects
  • Demonstration in the technical center

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23.09. - 27.09.2024 P02 Polyurethane technology II

I help you!

Iljana Eckardt

Head of Continuing Education